Why Does My Sugar Glider Stinks?

Sugar gliders have their own smell. But many people think it is not bad. When a sugar glider is young, its stools and urine may have a strong ammonia scent. That is because the animal’s digestive system is still developing. If you clean the house and use litter training, then this can be less of a problem.

Sugar gliders have a natural odor, but sometimes the smells can be strong. That is why it’s important to clean their environment often and take care of them. It is just like taking care of other pets too. So let’s look at how you should do that.

Do Sugar Gliders Stink?

Sugar gliders don’t smell bad, but there is a natural odor from their bodies. This smell is more pronounced when they are young because their digestive system is still developing. However, you can take steps to reduce the amount of ammonia in their waste by cleaning their environment and using litter training.

You will need to maintain the environment in which your sugar glider lives. The key to keeping it smelling nice is cleanliness and good air circulation. In order to keep smells at bay, you have to take care of your home just like you would for any other animal or pet that lives there.

That means cleaning up after yourself and having an easy way for the air to circulate through the house so that fumes can escape. You should not only focus on removing odors when they arise but also proactively prevent them by creating a routine cleaning schedule and ensuring good ventilation.

A Sugar Gliders Natural Smell

Sugar gliders have a natural odor. But it doesn’t smell very strong. The odor gets stronger when the animal has just been fed or when it is exciting to see you. It’s important to understand that this natural smell is not a sign that the sugar glider is unhealthy.

For instance, if your pet smells especially bad after being out for an extended period of time, then there could be something wrong with your furry friend. Most times though, a strong scent from a sugar glider comes from its regular diet and waste products.

Joeys And Adults Sugar Gliders Have Different Smells

When a baby sugar glider is born, its urine and feces may have a strong ammonia scent. That’s because the animal’s digestive system is still developing and has not yet been able to neutralize the ammonia

This smell will lessen over time as the sugar glider matures. Adult sugar gliders typically don’t have a very noticeable odor, except when they are excited or after being fed. So if your sugar glider smells strange, it is more likely that the animal is young, rather than old.

Causes of A Sugar Gliders Natural Smell

Sugar Gliders have a natural musky odor that is often noticeable when they are young. This smell is caused by the scent glands located on their chest, and it typically goes away as the sugar glider matures.

However, if the environment is not kept clean, the smell can become stronger. The ammonia in urine and feces can also cause the area to smell bad.

Causes Of Bad Smells With Sugar Gliders

There are several reasons why a sugar glider might smell bad. Poor hygiene is the most common cause, but there are also other reasons mentioned down below:

Fed An Incorrect Diet

Sugar gliders need a diet high in fat and protein, and low in fiber. If they eat the wrong kind of food, such as fruits and vegetables, it can cause them to have loose stools or urine that smells like ammonia.

Not Litter Trained

If the sugar glider is not litter trained, the urine and feces can contaminate their environment and make it smell bad. Eating Too Many Treats

Just like any other pet, sugar gliders should only be given treats in moderation. If they are fed too many treats, it can make them have loose stool or urine that smells worse than usual.

Too Few Hides And Shelters

Sugar gliders need to have enough hiding spots and shelters for sleeping. Without these hide boxes, they can become stressed which affects their behavior. Stressed animals tend to smell bad because the stress hormones cause them to excrete more oils through their skin glands.

Litter trained or not, if your sugar glider is living in an area with little room to move around freely then the smell will be much stronger just by nature of being stuck in one place.

Anal Gland Problems

Sugar gliders have two small glands on either side of their anus. These glands produce a strong musky odor and can become impacted if they are not cleaned regularly. If these glands get infected or abscessed, it makes the smell much worse than usual. So be sure to check your sugar glider’s anal area often for any signs of trouble like redness or swelling.

Not Cleaning The Cage Regularly

The cage should be cleaned at least once per week to remove old food, feces, and other debris that will contribute to bad smells. If your enclosure is not large enough to allow all material to be removed easily, you might need to clean it more frequently. Softwood shavings and other kinds of litter can be used to cover the feces and urine, which helps to control odors.

How Do I Stop My Sugar Glider From Smelling?

Here are a few tips to reduce the smell of a sugar glider:

Clean The Cage At Least Once Per Week

Regularly check the cage for any signs of feces or urine, and remove it as soon as possible. Once per week is the minimum required amount of time between cleanings. Larger cages help too because they provide more room for play and you can clean more often. Some people even use two litter boxes so they can switch them out more often and maintain a fresh environment.

Eliminate Odor-Causing Food And Treats

Sugar gliders should be fed high-quality dry dog food along with some occasional treats. Foods like fruits and vegetables can cause allergies which makes their scent glands secrete more oils and cause a stronger smell.

Proper Nutrition

Sugar gliders need a diet high in protein and fat, and low in fiber. If they eat the wrong kind of food, such as fruits and vegetables, it can cause them to have loose stools or urine that smells like ammonia.

Provide Plenty Of Hides

Sugar gliders need to have enough hiding spots and shelters for sleeping. Without these hide boxes, they can become stressed which affects their behavior. Stressed animals tend to smell bad because the stress hormones cause them to excrete more oils through their skin glands.

Regular Anal Gland Cleaning

If your sugar glider has anal gland problems, you will need to clean them regularly. This can be done with a warm, wet cotton ball or Q-tip. Be sure to check for any signs of redness or swelling in the area.

Litter Box Training

Sugar gliders require clean litter boxes for their urine and feces. You should place one box on each end of the enclosure so they have easy access to both sides. They will use one side for urine and the other side for feces. It is important to keep a fresh supply of softwood shavings available at all times. These are good because they help absorb liquids so odors aren’t as bad.

Why Do Male Sugar Gliders Smell More Strongly Than Females?

Male sugar gliders tend to have stronger smelling urine than females. This is because they produce a hormone called androstenone that increases the smell of their urine. Females don’t produce this hormone, so their urine doesn’t smell as bad.

Should I Bathe My Sugar Glider?

Sugar gliders should not be bathed regularly. Bathing can strip away their natural oils, which will make them more susceptible to skin infections and bad smells. You should only give your sugar glider a bath if it becomes absolutely necessary, such as if it gets covered in something sticky or dirty. In most cases, a good wipe down with a wet cloth is all that’s needed.

So, as you can see, there are several things you can do to help reduce the smell of your sugar glider. By following these tips, you can create a clean and healthy environment for your pet and keep them smelling sweet!​


Do You Give Sugar Gliders Baths?

No, we do not give sugar gliders baths. We wait until they get dirty and then we wipe them down with a wet cloth or water.

Why Do Sugar Glider’s Feces and Urine Smell Bad?

When a sugar glider is young, its stools and urine may have a strong ammonia scent. That is because the animal’s digestive system is still developing. If you clean the house and use litter training, then this can be less of a problem.

Do Baby Sugar Gliders Smell Different Than Adults?

Yes, baby sugar gliders smell stronger than adults because their bodies haven’t developed to the point that they produce less body odor. So when you first bring your new pet home, it may smell much stronger than it will in a few weeks.

Why Do Older Sugar Gliders Smell Different Than Younger Ones?

Older sugar gliders tend to have less intense smells because their bodies are more developed and they know how to take care of themselves better. They produce less body odor so their smell isn’t as strong.

What Do Sugar Glider’s Feces Look Like?

Sugar glider feces looks like black seeds with a white tip. If your pet goes number 2 more than once per day, then there may be an issue which you should take them to the vet for.

How Often Should I Clean My Sugar Glider’s Cage?

You should clean your sugar glider’s cage about once or twice per week. Do it by taking out all of their toys and treats and wiping the inside down with a warm, wet cloth. And also spot clean the cage every day by changing the litter box and replacing any dirty bedding material.


Sugar gliders have their own smell. But many people think it is not bad and that the sugar glider’s natural odor should be accepted. However, when a sugar glider is young, its stools and urine may have a strong ammonia scent because of its digestive system still developing.

If you clean the house with litter training, then this can be less of a problem for any unpleasant smells from occurring. The article also discusses how males tend to produce more body odors than females which makes them stinkier in comparison.

Males do so due to hormones called androstenone that increase the smell of their urine while females don’t produce these hormones at all making them much cleaner smelling in comparison.


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